Tips for Telehealth
I did my first Telehealth PT session in 2018. I didn't know how to work zoom. My patient had never heard of zoom. We persevered, but I would not say it was one of my more successful sessions!

So what's a provider to do when they book that first Telehealth session?
I've compiled a list of provider and patient tips for a successful treatment. Take a look and book a session!
Provider Tips
Send paperwork and "what to expect email before the visit"
Wear clothes you can move in and demonstrate exercises
Set up a treatment table or exercise area near your camera
Have equipment to demonstrate exercises close by you
Be prepared with alternatives for equipment
- Soup cans for weights
- Towels for belt-assisted stretches
- Sturdy coffee table for plinth
Have links available for equipment to be ordered after visit.
Set up a test visit with a fellow CO provider to make sure audio and visual is optimal.
Confirm you are utilizing the "waiting room" option on zoom.
Charge your device and find areas with optimal wifi connection.
Personal note: I often move my device to accommodate the treatment. i.e. Stairs, or an area with more clearing.
Consider performing the exercises along with the patient on your treatment table.
-Exercising with the patient allows you to keep better count of repetitions and control exercise dosage.
- The patient feels more comfortable.
- Exercise is fun! So the more, the better.
What equipment do you need?
- Any laptop or iPad with a camera and zoom application will work. You can of course upgrade to fancy lenses and ring lights but CO always recommends starting with low overhead and adding on as your business grows.
CO providers can review our "Telehealth Onboarding" documents from the link below.
Patient Tips
Review, sign, and return your paperwork prior to your visit.
Make sure you can move freely in your clothing. You may need to expose different areas while your PT observes your movement.
Choose an optimal area of your home to have your visit.
- Think good lighting.
- Lots of room.
- Positioning of the camera to see you at multiple angles.
Confirm you have received your zoom link prior to your visit.
Make sure your device can stand upright hands-free. Use a chair or some books if you don't have a stand.
Consider laying down a towel on the floor and moving your device while performing mat exercises. You want your PT to observe your form so make sure you stay inside the video screen.
Have your HSA, FSA, or credit card available for payment.
Telehealth is an excellent use of patient and provider resources. Patients save time driving to and from visits. Telehealth eliminates wait time. Every visit is one-on-one.
Interested in booking a visit?
Want to learn more about providing Telehealth through CO?
Become a provider and receive access to our "Members ONLY Telehealth Webinar" July 19 at 7:30 pm CST.