
Taking Athletes Further
I speculate families of athletes spend thousands of dollars a year on elite sport training. Many athletes invest in sports specific...

HIIT Me With Your Best Shot
The month of march we covered soccer, golf, and running. What if, like myself, you have no athletic ability but love to work out?! ...

Marathon Madness
A lot of work goes into getting those cool stickers you see on the back of cars. 26.2 miles isn't an easy feat. Today we speak with our...

Could Of Shot 76
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three rights make a left. We could go on and on with Caddyshack quotes and golf jokes but we will...

The Weather is Warming up and So are We!
As we step into spring, sports kick-off, and the sun comes out for a little longer watch day, let's shine a light on proper warm-up and...