
Concussion Craze
If you follow professional or collegiate sports, you have heard talk of concussion protocols. You no longer "get your bell rung" and hop...

Staying Strong
Last week you saw Rory's functional movement spring to prep for his return to football. This week we dive into sport-specific training...
Celebrating July
This month we take a pause to celebrate our very own Dr. June Santiano. June lives in San Louis Obispo, CA. She practices in SLO and LA...

Tips for Telehealth
I did my first Telehealth PT session in 2018. I didn't know how to work zoom. My patient had never heard of zoom. We persevered, but I...
CO: A space for providers and patients
So...........who does Concierge Orthopedics service? Is it for PTs? Is it for patients? Or both?! CO functions as a two sided...

School’s Out For…….Summer!
All the kids and teachers rejoice, the parents may be a bit more hesitant. Today we reach out to Concierge Orthopedic’s resident school...

We want to continue educating our audience about all the awesome branches physical therapy offers. Did you know we can conduct therapy...

Dizzy and Desperate
Did you know PT can help? Physical therapists treat dizziness every day. Many people have never heard of vestibular rehabilitation or...

Physical Therapists can treat what?!
Lymphedema. It’s a word that is unknown to some and all too familiar to others. Lymphedema is different than your typical “swelling.” The...

Parkinson's Awareness Month + PT
April is Parkinson's Awareness Month, highlighting National Parkinson’s Day on April 11th, so a post about the disease seems fitting to kick