
Taking Athletes Further
I speculate families of athletes spend thousands of dollars a year on elite sport training. Many athletes invest in sports specific...

Could Of Shot 76
Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three rights make a left. We could go on and on with Caddyshack quotes and golf jokes but we will...

The Orthopedic Olympics
Truthfully, working with the USA Olympic team, in any capacity, seems like an absolute dream! Can you imagine, elite athletes,...

The Birds, The Bees, and PT
Don’t worry, this isn’t the talk you’re thinking it will be. We want to know…….when do you refer out to a pelvic floor specialist? I’ve...

Weekend Warriors and Resolution Setters
Three weeks into the new year means three weeks into new workout regimens and eating routines. You‘re likely seeing the repercussions of...

Top 5 Exercise Classes for Every Body
When it comes to group exercise, options are endless. If you are like most people, choosing the correct class, studio, or gym for your...

We are spilling the tea.....
Oh, you don't know what that means? Don't worry! Neither did I until my 18-year old cousin filled me in on this new slang. Spilling the...