Halloween Tricks and Treats
Are you ready for the sugar rush coming this weekend? I personally am thrilled to pillage through my children's candy while they sleep. ...

Concussion Craze
If you follow professional or collegiate sports, you have heard talk of concussion protocols. You no longer "get your bell rung" and hop...

Dr. Shania Grode: She's the One
I could not be more thrilled to interview and feature Dr. Shania Grode this week. Shania stood out to me from our first conversation. I...

Staying Strong
Last week you saw Rory's functional movement spring to prep for his return to football. This week we dive into sport-specific training...
Starting Strong
Today we dive into back to sport screening with the Functional Movement Screen, FMS, and CO's favorite student athlete. (Not that I'm...
Backpack Basics
Back to school doesn't have to come with back pain for our little (or not so little) students. Take a look at four simple tips in our...

Over-trained and Under-educated
This week we hear from Dr. Katie Noble. Dr. Noble is a former collegiate cross-country runner, a physical therapist, run coach, mom, and...

A Glance At Our PT Of The Month ……………………... Dr. Lisa Erickson, DPT
What is your favorite thing about being a PT? I absolutely love helping people improve their quality of life. Pain and limitations really...

Taking Athletes Further
I speculate families of athletes spend thousands of dollars a year on elite sport training. Many athletes invest in sports specific...

Marathon Madness
A lot of work goes into getting those cool stickers you see on the back of cars. 26.2 miles isn't an easy feat. Today we speak with our...